Shadow play

If you’ve ever worked at a large company, you’ve probably seen your fair share of generic presentations. We’ve seen quite a few, and almost none have left a lasting impression.

Prisjakt is a European price comparison company that is well-known for their playful corporate culture and spectacular all-hands events. For one of these occasions, Prisjakt’s CEO Peter contacted us to help him design a strategy presentation that would leave no employee unaffected.

Animation showing the intro of a Keynote based on shadow play characters and objects

Peter wanted all the 200 people at Prisjakt to pay attention to how their business was impacted by a changing competitive landscape. He told us that Prisjakt was up against some of the largest tech companies in the world. We love to craft stories and we saw an opportunity to build a magnificent David vs. Goliath narrative for Prisjakt.

We experimented with different visual styles and eventually found that a shadow play format would be ideal for Peter’s story. Shadow play characters could be drawn fast (thanks Klas!) and they didn’t have to change shape when animated.

shadow puppet assets by nobiz for Prisjakt's presentation

A presentation based on rigid silhouette could be animated using only the standard features of Keynote or Powerpoint. Its simple modular structure allowed us to update any slide fast when iterating on the story line. This meant that Peter didn’t need help from us if he wanted to edit anything last minute.

GIF showing shadow play chapter change

Everything fell into place as we managed to combine effective storytelling with a fun visual style. To top it all off, Peter presented the Tale of the Valley Giants with a big storybook in his lap.

Prisjakt's CEO presenting the story with a book in his lap

We later heard from Prisjakt employees that it was the best presentation they’ve ever seen.